2008 Program Theme: "Composability within Service Oriented Architectures"
At the core of Service Oriented Architectures currently deployed in businesses and governments is the ability to compose or coordinate various pieces of applications - legacy and novel - that may be developed on different platforms and languages, provide different interfaces, and be managed by different owners. We use the term "composability" to denote this quality.
This symposium addresses the various technical and business facets of composability in SOA. This symposium will be an opportunity for both researchers and business practitioners to state their challenges, best practices and experiences. It will also be a forum where technology architects provide a fair assessment of the current status of composability standards and implementations, including opportunities for improvement and potential obstacles.
OASIS invites proposals for talks, panel sessions and tutorials with a clear focus on answering technical or business questions on composability within Service Oriented Architectures. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Orchestration and choreography of services: making composite applications work
- Use Cases, lessons learned and best practices for a successful SOA deployment of composability technologies
- Use of semantic technologies to enhance SOA composability
- The standards for SOA relating to composability: how do various standards support composability, how do they compose with each other
- Composition of service components using Service Component Architecture (SCA)
- Management and governance of distributed composite applications, including policy management as well as the control of service interfaces and implementations
- Client-side composability through Web 2.0 style mash-ups using AJAX, JSON and related technologies
- The dynamic aspect of composite applications: change management, discovery, upgrades, migrations and transitions
- Organizational aspects of designing composite applications: multi-owner systems, transitioning from smokestack solutions to reusable service components
- Coordination and mediation enablers: Enterprise Service Bus, rule-based engines, service directories, etc.
- Testing of composite applications, including the challenges of testing across business boundaries
- The security and identity management aspects of composability: discovery of service failure semantics, fine grained versus coarse grained policy propagation and enforcement, the role of identity in composability, ensuring end to end security, privacy, and accountability within a security realm or across security realms
- Transactions and compensations within composite applications including ACID transactions and long running activities across business boundaries
- Management of composite applications – monitoring and control across distributed heterogeneous services
- Business, military, or government specific challenges and solutions for SOA and composability
- >>Additional Submission Guidelines>>