Open Standards Forum 2008 - Security Challenges for the Information Society, 30 September - 1 October 2008, Ditton Manor, Near London

About the Forum

Programme Theme: "Security Challenges for the Information Society"

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are a major enabler of the creation, distribution, diffusion, use, and manipulation of information and have a major impact on our quality of life, our working conditions and the overall competitiveness of our industries and services. In today's society, information and information access plays a central role, economically, socially and individually.

However, open exchange of information and access to online services also pose challenges and threats. Service providers want to authenticate the identity of individuals requesting access, and determine the resources and services they are entitled to access. Users want their identity and personal data and privacy to be protected adequately, and the confidentiality of sensitive data they are submitting to be respected.

In today's Internet and in many large private network infrastructures, heterogeneity and diversity are the rule rather than the exception. Security infrastructures need open standards and interoperability to scale to the huge deployments that are being rolled out. Many security standards from OASIS and other organizations support a model where identity authentication, access control, digital signature processing, encryption and key management are provided as services that can be distributed and shared.

If you are evaluating or deploying security infrastructures, the "Security Challenges for the Information Society" Forum, will give you an opportunity to explore the current and future state of security services, standards and products.


  • Edin Bektesevic, Senior Technology Strategist,
    Standardisation, Vodafone
  • Gerry Gebel, Vice President and Service Director,
    Burton Group Identity and Privacy Strategies
  • Giles Hogben, Security Expert, European Network
    and Information Security Agency (ENISA)
  • Mark Ferrar, Director of Infrastructure, Technology
    Office of NHS Connecting for Health
  • Paul Wright, Head of Computer Crime, City of London Police


  • Diverse perspectives on today's security landscape covering challenges, solutions, and networking opportunities
  • Views on the legal acceptance, practical use, and maintenance of digital signatures
  • Answers to whether your enterprise is really secure and universally applicable
  • Recognized authentication ideas for citizens in cross-border government services
  • Secure electronic invoicing options, featuring confidentiality, authentication, reputation issues
  • Insight on how to achieve security, privacy and trust in networked systems
  • A clear view of the current state of federated identity standards and implementations
  • Predictions on the future of federated technologies
  • The latest facts on key management and how modern browsers handle security issues/advancements
  • Advice from security experts within e-gov, telecom, financial services, and healthcare vertical industries


Adopting SOA for Telecom Workshop - 30 Sept
The OASIS Telecom Member Section will host a pre-Forum workshop to discuss the current limitations of adopting SOA in the telecommunications field. Delegates will be able to register for the Workshop separately, or as part of the Forum registration fee (at no additional cost). The workshop is sponsored by Alcatel-Lucent, Nortel and IBM.

XACML Interop Demo - 1 Oct
The eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) has emerged as a front runner in solving complex access control problems in the enterprise. Providers of XACML-compliant products will conduct an interoperability demo using healthcare requirements from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, HL7, and HITSP.


Unique Venue
The Forum will be held at Ditton Manor. This 900-year-old Ditton Manor has housed such historic figures as Cardinal Wolsey, Anne Boleyn, and Queen Mary I. Now serving as the European headquarters for CA, the venue is a 15-minute taxi ride from Heathrow airport or 20 minutes by train from London.

Registration: Group discount available; save 300 USD per person
Registration is now open! Discounts for groups and OASIS members are available.


The Open Standards Forum is sponsored by Alcatel-Lucent, Axiomatics, CA, Inc., IBM, IDTrust Member Section, Microsoft, Nortel, Oracle, Primeton, and Sun Microsystems.


Supporting organisations include:  CEN/ISSS, eema, ENISA,, Identity Commons, ISTPA, ITPro, Liberty Alliance, The Open Group, TM Forum, WS-I, and W3C


Who Should Attend?

Participation is open to members of OASIS, as well as non-members. The program is specifically directed to IT leaders and professionals, including:

  • Security Project/Programme Managers
  • IT Architects
  • Lead Designers
  • Identity / access control specialists
  • Information Systems Security Professionals
  • Security Officers
  • Telecom, healthcare, government sector IT specialists

2008 Programme Committee Members

  • Abbie Barbir, Nortel
  • June Leung, IDTrust Member Section Chair
  • Anil Saldhana, Red Hat
  • John Bradley
  • John Sabo, Computer Associates
  • Gilles Gravier, Sun Microsystems
  • Ronny Bjones, Microsoft
  • Giles Hogben, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA)