Programme Committee Profiles
Peter Alterman, Senior Advisor for Strategic Initiatives, U. S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Dr. Peter Alterman is Senior Advisor to the NIH CIO for Strategic Initiatives. He served some time as Deputy Associate Administrator for Technology Policy at the General Services Administration. Before that he was Assistant CIO for e-authentication at the National Institutes of Health and Chair of the U.S. Federal PKI Policy Authority. Dr. Alterman serves on numerous government and industry electronic identity management committees and workgroups.
He has been involved in Internet technology since serving on the Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee in 1989. In 1997, he received the NIH Director's Award for "providing innovative leadership to NIH Executives and Managers by identifying and addressing critical issues in managing the information technologies of NIH." In 2002, he received the E-Gov Pioneer Award and the Potomac Forum Leadership Best Practice Award for the NIH-Educause PKI Interoperability Project. In 2003 he received Special Recognition Awards from the Federal Bridge Certification Authority and the Federal PKI Steering Committee. In 2005 he received a special recognition award from the E-Authentication Partnership for his work on Levels of Assurance determination. In 2008 he received both an NIH Merit Award and an NIH Director's Award for his pioneering work in federated identity management. He received his Ph.D. in 1974 from the University of Denver.

John spent the majority of his career working on the development of ICT systems, policies, strategies and procedures for central and local government in the United Kingdom. He took early retirement from the Civil Service in 2006 after 38 years service and since has been a self-employed consultant. John has extensive knowledge of a wide range of issues relating to e-government and e-voting both at the business, information and technical levels. His main areas of expertise are at the strategy and policy levels and he has established himself as one of the UK’s foremost experts on e-government and e-voting standards.
John was the Chief Executive of the Local eGovernment Standards Body (LeGSB), and was responsible for the development of policies and procedures relating to the approval and setting of standards that will support local government meet their e-service delivery targets. Prior to that he worked in the Office of e-Envoy (and subsequently the Cabinet Office’s e-Government Unit), where he was the Director of Technology, responsible for the UK’s e-Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) and other e-government and e-voting technical policies and standards. Before joining the OeE, John spent over 30 years in the Inland Revenue, the majority of his time being spent on data and information management and IS/ICT Strategy.
John has represented the UK government on various international working groups, developing e-government and e-voting strategies, data interchange procedures and standards, and enterprise architectures. He is a past Director of OASIS, the international e-business consortium, and the current chairs of their: e-Gov Member Section; Technical Committee on e-voting standards; and Transformational Government Framework Techincal Committee.
Peter Brown, official of the European Parliament (on leave)
Peter Brown is chair of the OASIS Board and is an official of the European Parliament currently on long-term unpaid leave of absence. During this period, he founded and managed Pensive nv/sa, a Belgium-based software solutions company for information-driven enterprise and is now based in Los Angeles working as an independent consultant. Peter's areas of professional interest cover semantic technologies, interaction design, identity management, SOA, cloud computing and information management.
Most of Peter's professional career to date has been working in the European public service - for the Council of Europe until 1989 and then for the European Parliament, where his work over 16 years has covered all aspects of the organization's work, from running the leader's office of the largest political group, acting as a political adviser, developing (pre-Web) online information networks, through to developing organization-wide information architecture and involving the Parliament in standards and consortium work. He is an active member of OASIS and co-editor of the SOA Reference Model (SOA-RM) and Reference Architecture Foundation (SOA-RAF).
Before founding Pensive, Peter worked with the Austrian Government's EU eGovernment Strategy unit as a senior adviser and worked particularly on electronic identity and eGovernment standards.

Dan Caprio brings over 25 years of experience on legal and policy issues involving the convergence of internet, telecommunications, and technology. He has substantial knowledge and experience in the areas of privacy, cyber security, information security and the Internet of Things, a term used when everyday objects are connected to the Internet. Mr. Caprio works with clients to define and capitalize on public policy strategies in the United States and Europe.
From 2004 to 2006, Mr. Caprio served as Chief Privacy Officer and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy for the U.S. Department of Commerce (DoC) where he advised the Secretary of Commerce and the White House on technology policy and privacy protection. While at the DoC, he oversaw activities related to the development and implementation of federal privacy laws, policies, and practices. He served as Chairman of the DoC RFID working group and Co-Chairman of the Federal RFID interagency working group
In 2007, Mr. Caprio was appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to serve on the Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee. In 2010, Mr. Caprio was appointed as a transatlantic subject matter expert for the European Commission’s Internet of Things formal expert group.
Prior to his tenure at the DoC, Mr. Caprio served as Chief of Staff to a Commissioner at the Federal Trade Commission. In 2002, he was appointed to represent the United States in revising the OECD guidelines on information systems and networks. Dan holds an active security clearance for classified matters.

Carol Cosgrove-Sacks, Ph.D represents OASIS to European and international organizations, the business community and NGOs. She contributes to promoting the policy relevance and visibility of OASIS in international processes and assists with OASIS strategic business development and networking with governments and trade associations throughout Europe.
Carol was formerly Director of Trade in the United Nations (1994-2005), where she was responsible for managing support to the UN Center for Trade Facilitation and E-Business [UN/CEFACT], including the management of UN/EDIFACT and the development of ebXML and the UN electronic documents set, UNeDocs. She launched and organized the annual UN forums on international trade facilitation and e-business and the programme on Internet enterprise development. She has participated in many international taskforces to define the policy and strategic context for e-business tools, including the ISO High Level Steering Group on CALS, the UN ICT Taskforce, the OECD Working Group on e-Commerce, and was the global coordinator for the UN Regional Commissions for the World Summits on the Information Society (WSIS),2003 to 2005.
She is based in Geneva, where she works as a business consultant especially regarding the WTO and international supply chains. She is also a Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges, and travels frequently to Brussels. She is a regular public speaker, particularly about international trade logistics, e-business and e-government. Her credentials include a B.Sc. and a M.Sc. in economics and a Ph.D. in international trade development. She is based in Geneva and speaks English, French and German.

Roger Dean, played a significant role as a founder member and executive director of eema during the launch and establishment of the association in Zurich in 1987. During the last 21 years, Roger has contributed immensely to eema's growth throughout Europe. During this time, his responsibilities have included the co-ordination of the various activities of the Areas of Focus, project managed the various Interest Groups and other working groups. These include the X.400 and X.500 standards interoperability demonstrator trails and the very successful PKI challenge which was undertaken on behalf of the European Commission and included PKI and authentication interoperability trials between 25 vendors from 9 countries
Prior to joining eema, Roger had a lead role in several start-up initiatives, including launching the first commercial e-mail service into the UK, France and Switzerland. He has a world class network of business contacts including senior executives in industry, multi-national companies, government, United Nations, European Union, DTI, e-envoy, OGC, NHS, defence and intelligence services.
Bob Marcus, Leader, Cloud Standards Customer Council’s G-Cloud
Working Group
Dr. Robert Marcus has been active for many years in standards for multiple areas including object, middleware, Web, Grid, and Cloud technologies. He has worked with the DMTF, SNIA, OGF, OMG, Open Group, OCC, NCOIC, and TM Forum to organize major Cloud Workshops and coordination activities such as He is currently the leader of the Cloud Standards Customer Council’s Government Cloud Working Group and the NIST Cloud Best Practices Team. His previous experience includes Director of Technology Transformation and Deployment at General Motors, CTO of Rogue Wave Software, VP of Technical Strategy at the MCC Research Consortium, Director of Object Technology at American Management Systems, Coordinator of Object Technology at Boeing, Advanced Technology Software Engineer at HP, and Professor of CS at City University of New York. In 2003, he published a book on “Great Global Grid: Emerging Technology Strategies”.
Neil McEvoy, Founder and President, Cloud Best Practices Network
He has a track record of pioneering Cloud Computing solutions for over fifteen years, with a particular specialism in SaaS, founding one of Europe's first pure-play ASPs at aged 28. The App Tap, a joint venture with Microsoft was funded by the UK's leading Internet entrepreneurs including Cliff Stanfords Redbus Interhouse, the original founders of Pipex and others, and pioneered the first Content Management Portal via a SaaS architecture.
Neil has repeatedly brought a number of leading edge Cloud products to market, including the SaaS-based Microsoft Unified Comms suite for British Telecom, Europe's first enterprise web hosting product set for PSINet and the use of Open Source applications like Drupal for Web 2.0 portals On Demand. Recently he has also founded the Cloud Ventures Network to help other entrepreneurs launch new Cloud businesses.
Upon emigrating to Canada Neil has immersed himself in the Government sector, including working for management consulting firm PwC and specializing in developing and applying Open Government Maturity Models to the Canadian Government system. This includes launching the first Open Innovation e-procurement portal

Silvana Muscella is the founder and CEO of both Trust-IT Services Ltd and its Italian offices Trust-IT Srl and is the European director of the OGF.eeig. She focuses on high-level coordination and on strategic marketing and communication developments, innovation and standards in ICT.
Silvana has over 15 years of experience in communication initiatives with an international breadth and focuses on marketing, knowledge-based platforms, internationalisation and business development challenges related to leading edge ICT technologies. She has authored a number of initiatives between Europe and International Co-operation Partner countries to help create collaboration opportunities resulting in sustainable co-operations.
Steve Mutkoski, Regional Director for Interoperability and Innovation, Microsoft
Steve is a member of Microsoft's Corporate Interoperability and Standards Group, based in the company headquarters in Redmond, WA. Steve works on a range of strategy issues related to the intersection of Standards, Interoperability and e-Government, including a range of government policy issues such as formulation and analysis of government interoperability frameworks and broader government interoperability strategy. Prior to this position, Steve held the role of Regional Director of Interoperability and Innovation for Asia Pacific, based in Singapore. In that role, he worked on government policy issues related to interoperability and standards, as well as worked to build up Microsoft's standards participation in Southeast Asia and Oceana.
Steve originally joined Microsoft in 2001 in a copyright counseling role, where he advised Microsoft product groups on copyright and trade secret issues, focusing on issues related to Open Source Software licenses. In that role, he designed and implemented Microsoft's code scanning and diligence process which is now applied to all software assets that are part of an acquisition, and is used to ensure that all third-party code (including Open Source code) is identified prior to acquisition closing. Steve is also the co-author of two OSI approved open source licenses, the Microsoft Public License and the Microsoft Reciprocal License.
Ian Osborne, Project Director, Intellect UK
As Project Director, Ian Osborne is responsible for winning and delivering Intellect's externally funded project work, most notably in the area of Government funded Knowledge Transfer and Collaborative R&D projects. These projects must be of added value to the Intellect Membership and their core business interests. Ian has successfully led two Knowledge Transfer Networks (KTNs) in the area of distributed computing, Digital Systems and Grid Computing Now!, both funded by the Technology Strategy Board, the UK Government's Innovation Agency. KTNs work closely with academics, leading industry suppliers and early adopters to address the needs for promoting ICT-based innovation in private and public sector organisations. Ian also acted as a principal in the OGF-Europe FP7 project, funded by the European Commission, aimed at open standards for distributed computing. Currently, Ian is a principal in the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) KTN, a successor to the Digital Systems KTN. His key areas of interest lie in Cloud Computing (e.g. IT as a Service), Open Standards and Sustainable IT, especially for Government and SME applications. See for more information.
Ian has worked in ICT since 1972, with early stints at British Airways and International Computers Limited. In 1979, he joined Hewlett-Packard Limited where he enjoyed a substantial career working in Research & Development, Quality and Marketing at HP locations in the US and UK. He held senior management positions in HP's Corporate Research Laboratories in Bristol and Telecom Systems Business in Edinburgh. He has a Masters Degree in the Management of Technology, a joint degree awarded by the Universities of Sussex and Brighton in 1992 and conducted research work in the area of Innovation Management in the Doctoral Programme at Cranfield University between 2004 and 2006. He is a Member of the British Computer Society and a Chartered Information Technology Professional, a member of the Association for Computing Machinery and an Associate Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Bruce Rich, Senior Technical Staff Member and Master Inventor, IBM Software Group
Bruce has more than 30 years of computer industry experience in software design, development and architecture, the last dozen or so in security-related areas. As might expected in a career of such length, he has had the opportunity to contribute in a number of different areas, ranging from MVS (now System Z) paging supervisor to distributed file systems (AFS) to security components. Bruce is a contributing member of several OASIS TC's and currently works in the IBM Tivoli Security Products architecture group.
Most recently, Bruce has been involved with the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) TC, and prior to that was involved with the Higgins project at Eclipse (pre-Identity Metasystem Interoperability TC), so he has current experience with issues pertaining to Identity and Trusted Infrastructures, as well as broad background in the building blocks that make such technologies possible. Bruce was a key IBM participant in interop activities around WS-Secure eXchange (WS-Trust+WS-SecureConversation+WS-SecurityPolicy), Web Services Security (WSS) Kerberos Token Profile 1.1, WSS SAML Token Profile 1.1, WSS X509 Token Profile 1.1, among others. He was also involved with WS-Federation Passive Profile and WS-Reliable Messaging, as well as WS-Policy at W3C. His prototypes and early implementations of these technologies have driven the design of security components that are incorporated into a wide variety of IBM products (WebSphere, Tivoli, et al).
He is an active inventor, with over 25 patents, most of which
are security-related.

John Sabo is Director, Global Government Relations for CA Technologies, providing expertise in the use of security and privacy technologies in trusted infrastructures.
Mr. Sabo is very active in industry-focused cyber security and critical infrastructure protection initiatives. He is a board member and past President of the Information Technology-Information Sharing and Analysis Center (IT-ISAC); member of the IT-Sector Coordinating Council, where he also serves on the Executive Committee; and Immediate Past Chair of the ISAC Council, which addresses cross sector information sharing issues impacting national critical sectors. Mr. Sabo also serves as the chair of the IDtrust Member Section Steering Committee, established by the OASIS standards organization, and focusing on identity and trusted infrastructure technologies, policies, and practices.
Mr. Sabo is active in information privacy. He is an appointed member of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee and is a past member of the Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board (ISPAB), a federal advisory committee managed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Mr. Sabo has also served as a member of the Privacy and Security Task Force organized by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the State Alliance for e-Health. He is a board member and President of the non-profit International Security Trust and Privacy Alliance (ISTPA), which has published an operational privacy framework and other privacy-related studies. He served as editor and co-author of ISTPA's "Analysis of Privacy Principles: An Operational Study," published in 2007.
Before working in the private sector, Mr. Sabo was Director of the U.S. Social Security Administration's Electronic Services Staff and recognized as a leader in the development of e-government services. He is an invited speaker at international security and privacy conferences, has authored published journal articles, and contributes to technical studies on security, privacy and trust issues. He holds degrees from King's College (Pennsylvania) and the University of Notre Dame, and is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).
Anil Saldhana, Chair of OASIS IDCloud TC and Lead Security Architect, Red Hat Inc.
Anil Saldhana is the lead security architect for middleware at Red Hat Inc, overseeing the security development aspects of the middleware line of products at Red Hat. He represents Red Hat on many security related technical committees and working groups at OASIS, W3C and JCP. He is an elected member of the OASIS IDtrust Steering Committee as well as the co-chair of OASIS XSPA, EKMI and IDCloud Technical Committees. He also is the secretary of the OASIS Security Services (SAML) Technical Committee and a frequent speaker/panelist at conferences around the world.