B2B Web Services: ebXML Messaging version 3.0 and AS4 Interoperability Demonstration

25 Aug 2011 - 16:05
America/New York
Calendar event title: 
B2B Web Services: ebXML Messaging version 3.0 and AS4 Interoperability Demonstration
Online Webinar
Calendar body: 

Within OASIS, the ebXML Messaging Services (ebMS) Technical Committee (TC) designs Web Services-based messaging protocols for B2B data exchange. In 2002 the TC developed the version 2.0 of ebMS. Since then it has continued to respond to emerging requirements and newer technologies and standards which in 2007 resulted in the OASIS standard approved version 3.0 Core Specification. And most recently the TC has produced two significant new deliverables:

  • The AS4 profile: a light-weight profile of the ebMS 3.0 Core Specification. AS4 is designed with input from GS1 and is a Web Services-based functional super set of both ebMS 2.0 and of the EDIINT AS2 standard.
  • The ebMS 3.0 Advanced Features Specification : extends the ebMS 3.0 Core Specification with support for ebMS intermediaries (multi-hop), efficient high-volume messaging (bundling) and exchange of very large messages (splitting and compression).

  • OASIS invites you to attend a free webinar that will provide:
  • A recap of ebMS 3.0, its main features and advantages over the earlier version
  • A brief overview of AS4 and the new Advanced Features specification
  • An interoperability demonstration showing use of AS4 in support of the OAG Order to Invoice process for use in the mid-market. This demonstration will involve multiple independent AS4 implementations.
Event features: 
Hosted by OASIS