International RuleML Symposium

3 Nov 2011 - 13:25
5 Nov 2011 - 13:25
America/New York
Calendar event title: 
International RuleML Symposium
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Calendar body: 
RuleML-2011 is a research-based, industry-focused Symposium with a main goal of building a bridge between academia and industry in the field of rules and semantic technology. The concept of the symposium has advanced continuously in the face of extremely rapid progress in practical rule and event processing technologies. As a result, RuleML-2011 will feature hands-on demonstrations and challenges alongside a wide range of thematic tracks. It will thus be an exciting venue to exchange new ideas and experiences on all issues related to the engineering, management, integration, interoperation, and interchange of rules in distributed enterprise intranets and open distributed environments.

OASIS members are entitled to receive a 15% discount. Contact Monica Palmirani for more details.
Event features: 
Co-Sponsored by OASIS