Documentation and Training East

29 Oct 2008 - 16:05
1 Nov 2008 - 16:05
Calendar event title: 
Documentation and Training East
Burlington, MA
Calendar body: 

Held in the high tech sector in Burlington, Massachusetts, the theme of the 10th Annual Documentation & Training East Conference is Producing Quality Content. The event includes a special focus on both software documentation project best practices and translation and localization issues. Companies that practice what they preach will be showcased. Paid registration also includes access to 2 days of hands- on software training workshops—choose from Adobe Technical Communication Suite, MadCap Software, Author-it, and XMetaL—at no additional cost! There are also more than a dozen sessions that focus on the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) and related topics. Register today to receive the OASIS member discount price of $799. To take advantage of the discount call +1 978-649-8555. Ask for the OASIS discount. This discount is not retroactive and is only available via telephone registration.

Event features: 
Co-Sponsored by OASIS