Emergency Interoperability Summit 2009 - Facilitating Emergency Response Using Open Standards, 30 September - 1 October, Baltimore, MD

Interoperability Demonstrations at the Summit...

Reserve your place in the OASIS EI Summit InterOp!

View current list of participants

The OASIS EI Summit InterOp will showcase interoperable applications and tools that support OASIS Emergency Management standards, including the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) and the Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) suite of standards.  Attendees of the EI Summit and the NIEM training event will have ample opportunities to view InterOp demonstrations throughout the event. Demonstrations will address the operational and economic benefits, as well as coherent frameworks that enable a more accurate, rapid, coordinated emergency response.  

OASIS will define an emergency scenario for the InterOp; participants will be encouraged to demonstrate how their products interoperate within the scenario parameters. 


Each company participating in the EI Summit InterOp will receive:

  • One workstation in the InterOp Showcase including: six-foot table, chair, internet connectivity, and electricity
  • One complimentary NIEM event registration (a $395 value)
  • Company name in NIEM on-site training guide's EI Summit description
  • Company logo on EI Summit on-site signage
  • Linked company logo and profile on EI Summit website (with Foundational and Sponsor-level OASIS members will be featured on the homepage)
  • Company logo on InterOp handout in NIEM attendee registration packets
  • Collateral insert in EI Summit attendee packets (materials provided by company)
  • Visibility and executive quote in OASIS press release (Foundational and Sponsor-level OASIS members only)
  • Attendee list, post Summit (Foundational and Sponsor-level OASIS members only)


Participation in the EI Summit InterOp is a benefit of OASIS membership and an opportunity for OASIS members to be recognized for their leadership role in developing standards.  Companies that are not currently members of OASIS are encouraged to join OASIS in order to participate in the InterOp.  For information on membership, contact Dee Schur. 

Organizations that hold Foundational, Sponsor, or Contributor level membership in OASIS are welcome to participate in the InterOp. Individual or Associate members of OASIS are also eligible to participate; however, they must do so on their own personal behalf. Individual or Associate members who wish to promote their company affiliations and take advantage of InterOp marketing benefits for their employers are encouraged to learn more about organizational
membership options
by contacting Dee Schur.

Participants who wish to demonstrate support for the InterOp emergency scenario must be confirmed by OASIS before 10 September. This lead time respects the inter-dependent nature of the InterOp and ensures that all participants are aware of demonstration requirements. Additional InterOp Participants may be confirmed after the 10 September deadline, provided space is available, with the understanding that their inclusion in pre-printed promotional materials may not be possible.

View current list of participants 

*OASIS membership required

A cost of 750 USD per participating company will be allocated to cover costs associated with the EI Summit InterOp. Payment by check or credit card must be made to OASIS by 10 September. 


Contact Jane Harnad or complete the online form to reserve your company's space in the EI Summit InterOp.